November – a month to recognize and be thankful for our MS caregivers!

  • Published November 01, 2019
Kim Fryling-Resare

Written By
Kim Fryling-Resare

November is National Family Caregivers Month and I wanted to take this moment to thank all the caregivers who selflessly give their support and their love without even blinking an eye.

Seeing this month’s observance instantly brought back a memory — a moment in time that confirmed to me that there are no accidents in this world and people come in and out of this life for a reason.

Several years ago, while I was waiting to board a flight, I noticed a couple also waiting at the same gate. The husband was pushing the wife in a wheelchair, while also handling their bags and fumbling a bit with a pair of forearm crutches. He had his hands full, but he appeared to be handling it all with ease and didn’t seem to be stressed at all about his predicament. The woman looked so healthy and lovely that my initial thought was that she must have injured her foot or leg somehow.

During the boarding process, I continued to watch this man assisting his wife to her seat, then stowing their bags and her crutches — all while navigating the small space and fellow passengers. Then finally he took his seat right next to me with a sense of accomplishment and an exhale of relief.

I turned to him (because I have become my mother after all) and said, “You’re a really good man!” He smiled and shrugged it off with a “yeah, well…”-kind of response. We exchanged some pleasantries and then I asked him how his wife injured herself. (I mentioned to you that I’ve become my mother, right?) His response, “Oh no, she didn’t injure herself. She has multiple sclerosis.”

I can only imagine what his thoughts must have been as this stranger just sat next to him with her mouth gaping wide open. I was completely speechless at the coincidence and in a bit of shock at my own behavior. I hadn’t even considered the possibility of multiple sclerosis and really, I should be one to know better!

We proceeded to exchange our stories and our experiences about multiple sclerosis. You could just see the love, care, and support he devoted to his wife. I was in complete awe and full of utter respect for this man. I stayed on the plane and spoke with him and his wife while the other passengers were unloading. I’m not sure why I made it a point to stay and talk other than there was a connection made, a commonality, and I wanted to reach out.

I also wanted to recognize this amazing man who shrugged off what he was doing because that’s “just what he does.” I wanted him and her to realize that I saw him. I truly saw him. I saw his care and his attention. I saw his caregiving in action and in spirit.

This man is just one example of the many caregivers out there in the world. According to the Caregiver Action Network, there are “more than 90 million Americans who care for loved ones with chronic conditions, disabilities, disease, or the frailties of old age.”

This month, not only should we take the time to recognize these amazing people but also to raise awareness about the resources available to support the caregivers themselves. Caregiving is tough, and it is important that caregivers learn how to take care of themselves and know that there is support out there. MS caregivers can find more resources on as well as on the websites of their local chapters of the National MS Society, or by visiting Healthline’s article Multiple Sclerosis Caregiver Support.

So thank you to all of those amazing caregivers out there! You are amazing for everything you do and all that you are! We recognize you and applaud you! Without you, our lives would be all that much more difficult.

And finally, on a personal note, I want to thank my incredible care partner who truly understands what I need to stay healthy, who supports me, and who helps me navigate this life with multiple sclerosis.

#NationalFamilyCaregiversMonth #MSCaregivers

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